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Partial Dentures

We offer a wide range of denture services that include:
Repairs, Relines, Additions, Gum Shields, Bite Guards, Night Guards, and Snoring Devices. Please ask our friendly staff about these services

Partial Dentures

Patients with some of their own natural teeth would require a partial denture and will need to be referred to a dentist for an oral health check, where we work together to decide on the design of your appliance. Marco can help you with this process and can arrange the referral for you.

During chewing the force exerted should ideally be passed through the roots of your remaining natural teeth and not the “empty” saddle areas as this would cause further bone shrinkage. Only one design enables this to occur fully and this is a chrome partial denture.

Chrome partial dentures are very popular and can provide greater comfort and function, as well as creating a natural looking set of teeth.

The Advantages

Resin Dentures
In most instances, a resin denture will need to cover a greater surface area than a metal denture.  If tooth loss in a jaw is excessive, a plastic denture will be the only suitable alternative. A resin denture is the less expensive option.

Chrome Dentures
Metal dentures are lighter, delicate and more discreet in the mouth. They are also the most preferred option as they are stronger, easier to wear and more durable. Metal dentures tend to have a longer life expectancy.

Who Can Benefit

A Clinical Dental Technician may recommend plastic dentures for patients that are going to lose their existing teeth in the near future or as a part of their implant therapy. Potentially this will require modifications to their existing dentures.

Patients who cannot afford more expensive types of partial dentures or those who are trying dentures for the first time may also wish to consider resin dentures. Those who require treatment, such as extraction, may need to opt for a temporary resin denture first before they can have light alloy dentures, particularly if the front teeth are involved.

Metal Chrome Plates

  • The frameworks are light and discreet (less than 0.3mm thickness) and are less likely to cause irritation or discomfort
  • They are designed to blend in with the existing contours of your mouth, more hygienic and covering less of the gum and teeth
  • Covering less of the soft tissue in the mouth promotes good oral health, aids speech and allows patients to enjoy a better sense of taste
  • The metal clasps will improve support and will hold the dentures in place
  • Light alloy dentures are more durable than other types of dentures, meaning they will withstand more wear and tear, last longer and are less likely to break
  • Light alloy dentures are designed to fit your mouth exactly and will be custom-made in accordance with impressions of your mouth
  • Some of the chrome designs do allow for teeth to be added at a later stage

Good materials on their own will not make good dentures, a skilful and experienced Clinician Dental Technical are required. The best results are achieved when the whole job is done by the same person.

Dentures require maintenance, it is vital that you have them checked and cleaned annually by a Clinical Dental Technician.